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after FreeFileSync has proven useful to you, please think about supporting with a donation.
Support the Project
FreeFileSync strives to provide high-quality software with zero open bugs. This is achieved by fast release cycles and free 24/7 support for everyone.
If you find FreeFileSync useful, please consider supporting the project by donating.
Your donation will fund the development of new features and help to keep up continuous program maintenance.
This ensures that FreeFileSync stays up to date and always provides the best performance on constantly changing hardware and software.
Donate ...and support
To donate via credit card or debit without creating a PayPal account, execute the following steps:
On the PayPal login page select Continue without a PayPal account:
On the checkout page, enter your payment details and click on Pay Now:
Note to German supporters: PayPal discontinued Guest Checkout and requires everyone to set up a PayPal account. (Nov, 2016)