Temporary disable sync path entries

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If you have large amount of folders that need to be synced (e.g. stored in a ffs file), but you do not need all of them each time; it would become very handy to temporary disable one or more entries, excluding them from the actual sync. This prevents the creation of a lot of specific ffs files.
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See here.
Run a Compare.
In the Compare result window select the file(s) or folders(s) to temporary exclude.
Then right-click and choose to temporarily exclude.


Thanks very much for the reply!
I understand what you trying to say.
But don't you agree that this a bit devious, doing the exclusion after the comparison and on a file bases?
Especially when you know on forehand that you want to (temporary) exclude a whole directory, regardless the file types and folders that are inside.
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... doing the exclusion after the comparison and on a file bases? ...
You don't need to do this on a file basis.
You can also select a folder and then via right-click temporarily exclude all content of that folder in one action.
… Especially when you know on forehand that you want to (temporary) exclude a whole directory, regardless the file types and folders that are inside.
I agree that the comparison of files in a to-be-temporarily-excluded folder-tree is obsolete.

If such obsolete comparisons of to-be-temporarily-excluded folder-trees bothers you or takes too much time, and those to-be-temporarily-excluded folder-trees are often the same ones, you may consider to define multiple left-right folder pairs, and store that FFS sync. If necessary, you can make the multiple pairs non-overlapping via proper local (per left-right folder pair) Exclude and Include filter definitions (via the red funnel icon between the pair's left and right folder definition).
When opening your stored FFS sync, you may now remove the to-be-temporarily-excluded left-right folder pair(s) via the red minus-icon in front of the folder pair before running your comparison.
Remember not to store your temporary FFS sync configuration, and simply re-open your stored one next time.


I guess this makes temporary exclusion of folders more manageable.
Although it feels more like a work around, than a solution to the actual problem.
The additional steps that are needed here, do not outweigh just checking or unchecking a check box for a specific folder pair.
Maybe something to consider in a future release ;-)
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I was thinking the exact same thing. I thing a checkbox on all folders (with the default being checked) is very useful. I don't know how difficult it is to implement, but I would also find it more than useful..
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Joined: 26 Mar 2021


This is the only thing missing in the software in my opinion!

It can be usefull when testing paths in a batch with multiple paths.

In addition, we could need this to remove a path from the backup but maybe we would like to keep all the configuration there to enable it later in time.

Thank you