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by michaelmenial
29 Jul 2013, 10:11
Forum: Help
Topic: Synchronizing a SharePoint Folder with a local folder
Replies: 1
Views: 1795

Re: Synchronizing a SharePoint Folder with a local folder

In the meantime I tried the same procedure with Synkron. The above mentioned behaviour did not happen. So IMHO it seems to be connected with the kind of file access FreeFileSync uses to access the data on the SharePoint.
by michaelmenial
18 Jul 2013, 10:03
Forum: Help
Topic: Synchronizing a SharePoint Folder with a local folder
Replies: 1
Views: 1795

Synchronizing a SharePoint Folder with a local folder

I mapped a SharePoint Folder as a network drive and mirrored it to a local folder with FreeFileSync. After the mirroring finished every file (which was transfered to my local folder) was displayed on the SharePoint Website as "changed by ~ placeholder for my user~" and the version history of the ...