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by anika200
05 Jun 2014, 01:42
Forum: Help
Topic: new Makefile ver 6.6 how to call for launchpad build on linux
Replies: 3
Views: 425

Re: new Makefile ver 6.6 how to call for launchpad build on linux

Ok well I am either doing something really stupid or the makefile needs some tuning.
If I change it to "make Launchpad" I get an error as below:
"make: *** No rule to make target 'Launchpad'. Stop."

I do not understand, this all worked fine in 6.5.
by anika200
04 Jun 2014, 01:16
Forum: Help
Topic: new Makefile ver 6.6 how to call for launchpad build on linux
Replies: 3
Views: 425

new Makefile ver 6.6 how to call for launchpad build on linux

I am trying to update the repository/PKGBUILD for kaos linux and am having problems building from source with the new Makefile.
It seems not to want to use the make BUILD=Launchpad call correctly or maybe there are some other problems.
The build process always wants to look for libs in ~/Desktop ...