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by random24
28 Jan 2016, 15:43
Forum: Help
Topic: File content comparison question
Replies: 3
Views: 3362

File content comparison question

Hello, this is a response to the thread I initiated "File content
comparison question" at:

(sorry, I cannot see any way to reply there)

If I have understood correctly, when a file exists on the left only, it
is copied to the right without ...
by random24
28 Jan 2016, 00:56
Forum: Help
Topic: File content comparison question
Replies: 3
Views: 3362

File content comparison question

Hello, hopefully a simple question.

Let's say I wish to Mirror my music folder to a new, currently empty,
external backup drive. If I set FFS to Mirror the music folder with the
selected comparison method being File Content, will it compare the
contents of the new files with the originals, as ...
by random24
25 Apr 2013, 18:58
Forum: Help
Topic: Behaviour of excluded files
Replies: 3
Views: 1280

Re: Behaviour of excluded files

1) thanks

2) how do I view items that I have filter excluded from the comparison, in the grid? I have noticed options for temporarily including files but how do I tell the program to include a particular file or folder if it doesn't appear in the grid view?
by random24
24 Apr 2013, 21:53
Forum: Help
Topic: Behaviour of excluded files
Replies: 3
Views: 1280

Behaviour of excluded files

Great and easy to understand program from what I have seen so far, but two things.

1) If I exclude in filter say all txt files, then should this not protect all txt files from being deleted or overwritten? They should not be affected by the program at all?

Yet if I set the program to delete all ...