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by sdeblock
07 Aug 2015, 14:34
Forum: Help
Topic: AppCrash Error...
Replies: 5
Views: 773

Re: AppCrash Error...

Cleaning out the "legion" of "recyclebin.ffs_tmp directories did it. I had to use 7zip File Manager with SHIFT+DEL to knock out all of those subfolders. A sync is now running, I'll post back if it appears again. Thank you sir!
by sdeblock
05 Aug 2015, 18:55
Forum: Help
Topic: AppCrash Error...
Replies: 5
Views: 773

Re: AppCrash Error...

I've cleaned out recycle bin's on both side. I also cleaned out temp files then I updated to posted version, it is still happening. Please expand on "clean-up of these folders" from previous post, I'mprobably missing something - thanks!

[Attachment was removed! File name: FreeFileSync_x64.exe ...
by sdeblock
30 Jul 2015, 20:40
Forum: Help
Topic: AppCrash Error...
Replies: 5
Views: 773

Re: AppCrash Error...


[Attachment was removed! File name: FreeFileSync_x64.exe CrashDump 2015-07-21 171348.dmp (2455019 bytes)]
by sdeblock
30 Jul 2015, 20:38
Forum: Help
Topic: AppCrash Error...
Replies: 5
Views: 773

AppCrash Error...

I have a FFS installed on a Windows Server 2012 NAS. FFS was working perfectly for almost a year when it stopped working. NAS does not get updated, it is a file store for a remote site conected to the main office. FFS would sync network files from the main server across the WAN to itself. When you ...