Search found 13 matches

by zardoz35
23 Sep 2010, 18:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

In my case I sync in directory A only some subdirectories
for exemple A\A1 A\A3 and A\A5 by adding them in filtering in the include
field and nothing exclude
So all others subdirectories are not sync
by zardoz35
23 Sep 2010, 04:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

the only problem is this residual file in FFS 3.11
the only ways to delete are : close FFS before eject usb stick / reload FFS
config (same or different *ffs_gui)
I only use mirror option
by zardoz35
22 Sep 2010, 19:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

yes, I eject usb before closing FFS : the issue is that when the next day FFS
running, lock is present : the issue is a the lock file present in the
destination directorie

the file is not show by FFS but is present in the destination

I confirm : reloading configuration delete this file
by zardoz35
22 Sep 2010, 17:16
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

I Sync personnal data with 2 usb key
I do the firs one, eject the key (lock file is created), insert the second key
and syns again (lock file is created too)
Everedy day I sync my data. The next day freefilesync show these lock files...
Is it clear for you ?
by zardoz35
22 Sep 2010, 06:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

perhaps a solution is an option to eject usb key that will delete
Sync.ffs_lock File ?
Sorry for this reply but I search a solution for deleting this file when I
sync my pc with multiple usb key
by zardoz35
20 Sep 2010, 16:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: date, time, filesize priority
Replies: 9
Views: 1544

Re: date, time, filesize priority

by changing FileTimeTolerance to 3600 freefilesync ignore time stamp of 1 hour
now it works fine for me because in France time change twice each year...
by zardoz35
24 Aug 2010, 20:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

a solution : when I click on synchronisation complete, you can delete this
file ?
by zardoz35
23 Aug 2010, 17:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

the file is deleted at program shutdown, I just verified it
But, if I don't close the program, eject the usb key and insert my second key,
the file is NOT deleted
by zardoz35
23 Aug 2010, 09:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

the content of the file in hexa :
50 4B 42 41 43 4B 23 20 30 30 31 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9D 73 23 3B
00 00 00 00 00 00 42 20 00 69
by zardoz35
23 Aug 2010, 09:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Sync.ffs_lock File
Replies: 40
Views: 7955

Re: Sync.ffs_lock File

I have the file sync.ffs_lock created when I want to sync a list of folders
(more than 100) of my pc to a directory of my usb key everytime

I reproduced every time

There is a countdown then freefilesync sync the data. No crash.

(je peux expliquer plus précisément mais en français)
by zardoz35
01 Jun 2010, 17:34
Forum: Help
Topic: Problem with filtering directories
Replies: 7
Views: 1680

Re: Problem with filtering directories

ok so the term "mirror" is not the exact copy from the left to right

if in the futur an option that can do an exact copy using exclude list should
be usefull. Don't you think too ?
by zardoz35
01 Jun 2010, 14:32
Forum: Help
Topic: Problem with filtering directories
Replies: 7
Views: 1680

Re: Problem with filtering directories

ps I use FFS 3.7
by zardoz35
01 Jun 2010, 14:31
Forum: Help
Topic: Problem with filtering directories
Replies: 7
Views: 1680

Re: Problem with filtering directories

ok for me but if I sync c:\source to c:\dest all dir ar copied
after this I want to exclude a specific directorie c:\source\exemple, I add a
filter Exclude \exemple but if the destination exists, it isn't deleted

Is it normal ?
(excuse me for my english)