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by wildmog
18 Aug 2021, 16:11
Forum: Help
Topic: portable version not unpacking
Replies: 12
Views: 1590

Re: portable version not unpacking

Thank you for trying to help me.
I downloaded for the n-th time and unpacked and try to run both as 32 bit and 64, neither works.
So frustration here is mounting.

Perhaps the packed file has an error? I work on the portable file.

by wildmog
17 Aug 2021, 10:45
Forum: Help
Topic: portable version not unpacking
Replies: 12
Views: 1590

Re: portable version not unpacking

please look at the screenshot with 7zip
by wildmog
16 Aug 2021, 15:57
Forum: Help
Topic: portable version not unpacking
Replies: 12
Views: 1590

Re: portable version not unpacking

Yes W10, and invalid file: windows cannot unpack
by wildmog
16 Aug 2021, 12:14
Forum: Help
Topic: portable version not unpacking
Replies: 12
Views: 1590

portable version not unpacking

I cannot do this.