[Feature Request] Keep Modified Date Identical

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The "Date Modified" for a file is a useful item for some users (like myself).

For instance - I like to sort my movies by "date added" to my collection. I can achieve that result by either sorting in File Explorer - or use a sort feature in my media server.

However, when I sync files (like my movie collection), the TARGET gets today's date for "date modified."

Any way to create an option in the future to preserve date modified?

By the way - I found an app that allows me to make copies of files all while preserving the date modified (the app is called TeraCopy). But I like FFS and RTS - and wish it had that feature. Especially for bulk copies of existing files. Otherwise, I'll have to go back and recopy most of the files using that other program and use RTS for all future additions.
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To the extent possible, FFS does preserve the modification date.
However, there are some protocols (e.g. some (S)FTP flavors) that simply do not support preservation of the modification date, or the implementation of some protocols is shaky (e.g. most notable the MTP implementation in quite some Android phones).
And most of the time FFS can not "fix" what is broken or simply non-existing elsewhere.

If possible, you can try using a different protocol.
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I wanted to mention - This is just one SATA drive to another SATA drive. Both internals.

Am I doing something wrong?
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There was a bug in 13.2 if I remember correctly that caused this behaviour for me when syncing to my NAS.
Other users reported it as well and 13.3 fixed the issue for us.
Which version are you experiencing this issue with?
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I am using 13.4.

I might try to test it again, using standard Windows File Explorer to move the files instead of my "TeraCopy" add-in. I suspect that using a non-standard method to copy/move files might not be recognized by FFS.

Otherwise - I might just not worry about it - and disable the RTS if I have to do a major multi-hour file transfer or copy. It seems to work just fine with small file changes at the moment.
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when I sync files (like my movie collection), the TARGET gets today's date for "date modified."
And you're doing this sync with FFS, & you stated that this is between internal drives.
That's odd.
I take it they are both NTFS formatted?
I might try to test it again, using standard Windows File Explorer to move the files instead of my "TeraCopy"
Explain that?
If you are syncing with FFS, then where does WE/TC play into things?
copies of files all while preserving the date modified ... Otherwise, I'll have to go back and recopy most of the files
You should be able to automate things to "touch" a files date (by using a touch utility ;-)) without needing to recopy.

for %i in (/filesihavetocopy/)
touch /mybackuplocation/%i --reference %i
where the backed up file is "re-dated" to the date of the "reference file", which is the source files date.