Different MTP sync issues

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Joined: 2 May 2024


I have the donation edition which allows changing parallel file operations, however, after seeing this thread: viewtopic.php?t=7831 I have reduced them all to 1 after running into this issue which is affecting ~1k files from 29k.

Upon syncing from my phone via MTP to my HDD, using the 'Update' profile, I get this error on the 1k of files:
ERROR_BUSY: The requested resource is in use. [resources->GetStream(objectId.c_str(), WPD_RESOURCE_DEFAULT, STGM_READ, &optimalBlockSize, inStream.init())]

I have rebooted my phone and laptop. Google wasn't very helpful in trying to figure that one out.

Any suggestions?

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This is from 6 years ago and was fixed already. Who knows if it's the same issue that cropped up again or something unrelated that leads to the same error?