Different synchronization results on 2 PCs from the same GDrive source

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Hi All,

I have one issue with (great) FFS software. Let say that we have two computers: A-laptop, B-PC. Next we have one source which is a Google Drive source (source G) and a backup destination on a LAN network storage (destination Z). Using the same version of FFS on both computers with configuration to mirror folders from source G to a backup destination Z.

1. Performed mirror backup on a computer A, from source G to destination Z and everything is up to date.
2. Creating the same job on a computer B, with the same source G and destination Z.
3. Running "Compare" on a computer B.
4. As nothing has changed in the folders contents on the source G it is expected that there will bo no files to synchronise after running the compare but unfortunately this is not the case.

When running FFS in a scenario described above I receive some unexpected results as on a screenshot below.
ffs_issue_001.JPG (109.71 KiB) Viewed 451 times
Row 1 - files are the same and the sizes are the same but FFS wants to sync them anyway
Row 2 - same as above
Row 3 - files are identical, same size but source shows a name with "(1)" and FFS wants to copy this file with wrong name and remove the correct one from backup destination Z.

Other rows present the same issues.

So in general the problem is that we have the same source and the same backup destination but for some files FFS identifies differences which are not there. Just to be clear for the most of the files results are correct (no difference) but for a bunch of them there are glitches as described.

Both computers use Win 10 OS, and both use the same GDrive client. I can't find the reason why FFS does not show blank list when I run the same compare on the second PC?

Can I have any support with this issue, please?
Original sized screenshot
Original sized screenshot
ffs_issue_001_orig.JPG (109.71 KiB) Viewed 448 times
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The first two and last two rows show mismatched timestamps. The timestamps on those files may be corrupt or out of the supported range on the network destination, thus being changed to the current date/time. The middle items show that the source has a different name than the destination. I'm sure you will find that to be true if you use File Explorer to verify. This means it may be an issue with the GDrive client because FFS simply works with the data that's there
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The first two and last two rows show mismatched timestamps. xCSxXenon, 05 Apr 2024, 18:36
How do you know that from my screenshot? I can's see timestamp there. I will check tomorrow timestamps using MC when both computers will be on.
The middle items show that the source has a different name than the destination. xCSxXenon, 05 Apr 2024, 18:36
Yep, you are right...and this is strange because using MC I see filename "ip 2020 (1).xls" and when using web interface I can see correct name "ip 2020.xls" (on the computer B).
fn_issue_001.JPG (10.47 KiB) Viewed 439 times
fn_issue_002.JPG (14.53 KiB) Viewed 439 times
So now I need to figure out how to "correct" messed files on the computer B as I trust more data from computer A to be honest but sometimes I would like to use the B one for synchronisation. Should not be the issue because the source is cloud based but it looks like there is an issue unfortunately.
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The first two and last two rows show mismatched timestamps. xCSxXenon, 05 Apr 2024, 18:36
How do you know that from my screenshot? I can's see timestamp there. I will check tomorrow timestamps using MC when both computers will be on. Klosiak, 05 Apr 2024, 20:48
The icon in the middle correlates to the reason for being detected as different. If you hover over it, it will confirm what the difference is also
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You write:
> 2. Creating the same job on a computer B, with the same source G and destination Z.

However, your screenshot shows you are comparing a left location "C:\Users\Kloziak\Dysk Google" (which would be local to computer A, respectively B) with your Z-drive, rather than some "same source G".
There may simply be differences in the contents of your computer A left location compared to your computer B left location.

Because of your
> So now I need to figure out how to "correct" messed files on the computer B as I trust more data from computer A to be honest ...
You seem to be aware that your "same source G" may actually not be the same for computer A as for B ...
If so, that is obviously not something FFS can correct for you, unless you also use FFS to sync between A and B.
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However, your screenshot shows you are comparing a left location "C:\Users\Kloziak\Dysk Google" (which would be local to computer A, respectively B) with your Z-drive, rather than some "same source G".
There may simply be differences in the contents of your computer A left location compared to your computer B left location. Plerry, 06 Apr 2024, 12:01
Well...this is the next question how Google Drive client app works. I wrote the same source because on both computers GD client is linked with the same network Google Drive. But it looks like that Google Drive clients on both computers keeps files on local discs as well...but GD client from computer B does not synchronise to the Google network location files where "(1)" is added in their names. As per my screen shot, in the "C:\Users\Klosiak\Dysk Google" location there is a file containing "(1)" in the name but when I go to the Google Drive through web (cloud location) this file is not visible and only that correct one without "(1)" is there. The mystery is why Google Drive client does not synchronise this file with "(1)" in the name to the network location. Maybe some issues in the local cache folder or sth similar.

I think that I will just update this local Google Drive folder from Z: drive backup using FFS to have both folders in the same state. After that hopefully I should be able to have this cleaned up.

BTW...is it possible to provide FFS a network address to my Google Drive that I can sync network content instead of relaying on that from local GD clients?
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> BTW...is it possible to provide FFS a network address to my Google Drive ...

Click the Cloud button right of the Browse button behind your left and right base location(s)
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Click the Cloud button Plerry, 06 Apr 2024, 16:25