How to access a NAS drive from FFS

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'm running Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon 64-bit. I just installed FreeFileSync 8.3. I want to synchronise between folders in my Home folder and those on a NAS drive. I cannot see the NAS drive when I select the 'browse' option to choose a folder for compare. How do I access a NAS drive?
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(I'm not familiar with Linux...)

Type of & file system of the NAS?
How do you access the NAS normally, as in do you set up something like a Windows Share, mnt perhaps?, or do you use UNC paths?
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The NAS drive controller (Iomega Home Media Network Drive) is running a highly customisd version of Linux, but of what 'flavour' I cannot tell. The drive itself is formatted as XFS, presumably because this particular NAS is able to be used as an iTunes streamer (which I do not use).

In normal use I access the drive via the standard Linux Mint file browser by going to the address:
This then presents me with a list of the various folders on the NAS drive upon which I can then perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Using this smb address in FFS is rejected.
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"smb://" isn't a native file path but a special syntax interpreted by the file browser. You can mount the Samba share like:
1. mount Samba share:
    gvfs-mount smb://

2. locate mounted folder, e.g.:
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The attempt to mount the file fails with message:
"Error mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount"
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Well, that's interesting: I have been asking for some time on a growing set of forums how a NAS drive can be used with FFS, under linux. Nobody seems to know. Is this something that FFS cannot do? It works OK under Windows.