Error Code 1: Incorrect function (ReadDirectoryChangesW)

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I'm using RealtimeSync (Build: Dec 13 2009 - Unicode). I configured it using a
.ffs_batch generated by FreeFileSync 3.2.

When I "Start" RealtimeSync, it immediately loads FreeFileSync, performs the
operation and when I click "Okay" to close the panel, I immediately receive
the following error:

Could not initialize directory monitoring: <dir_name_excluded>
Windows Error Code: 1

The left directory is on my local file system, although the right is a network
share mapped to a drive letter. It is easiest to test when I create the
.ffs_batch using the "silent" mode. Then, immediately after I click the
"Start" button in RealtimeSync, the error message appears.

I searched the forums and couldn't find any information on the above error. Is
this a result of the mapped shared folder?

I hope this can be fixed, because I really need an automated procedure that
silently copies files from my local system to a network share anytime a change
is detected. From what I've used so far, these tools look great. They easy to
use and fast. While the interface is somewhat unique, I really find it quite
easy to use.
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One post, either as a tracker item or in the forum should be enough. So I'll
answer here:
[404, Invalid URL:]
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Old post same problem.
Zeniju link not working I dont know the answer.
[404, Invalid URL:]
My case - left is a network folder mapped to a drive letter S: right is a folder in a system. RealtimeSync.
After I click the "Start" button in RealtimeSync, appear the error message:
Cannot monitor directory 'S:\My OneNote|'.
Error Code 1: Incorrect function
What is a solution?
cannot monitor directory.jpg
cannot monitor directory.jpg (18.72 KiB) Viewed 3598 times
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"If the network redirector or the target file system does not support this operation, the function fails with ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (== Error Code 1)."

The "solution" in this case was to not monitor this directory.
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I'm trying to do the synchronization in real time inside the virtual machine vmvare between local folder "c:\Dir_guest" inside a virtual machine and resource share folders "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Dir_host".

FFS synchronizes these two folders.
The problem is that RTS gives an error: "Can not monitor directory "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Dir_host". Error Code 1: Incorrect funktion. (ReadDirektoryChangesv)".

Perhaps the vmware mechanism "Shared Folders" is not fully emulates a network share. Is there a solution to this problem?
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I'm trying to do the synchronization in real time inside the virtual machine vmvare between local folder "c:\Dir_guest" inside a virtual machine and resource share folders "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Dir_host".
... AllSync, 08 Dec 2016, 15:49
I also got this problem. FreeFileSync is synchronizing fine, but RealTimeSync trips with Error Code 1.

Not sure, but does this have something to do with my host being Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) and my guest being W7 Prof?

Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry, I am not a seasoned sys-admin, and I don't have time to become one. I just want to have server-projects synchronized to my laptop, so I have everything with me when I'm on-site. Obviously the easiest way to that would be using RealTimeSync.