Exit .ffs_gui after successful synchronization

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Only a short question:

What do I have to do to make FFS in GUI-mode exit automatially after a successful synchronization?
In other words: Which command du I have to put in "run command after synchronization" within the synchronization settings? Or is that the wrong way and there is a right one?

Thanks for your effort.
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Try Taskkilling FreeFileSync!

Microsoft TechNet - Taskkill


I have done some testing but seem possible only using the syntax that force close FFS:
taskkill /f /im freefilesync_x64.exe

The correct way of closing FFS should be:
taskkill /im freefilesync_x64.exe

but is ignored.

edit 2:

The correct way of closing (not forced) FFS:
taskkill /im freefilesync_x64.exe

works as desired if you select Exit instead of leaving Show summary from the dialog shown during sync.
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Try Taskkilling FreeFileSync! Gianni1962, 12 Jan 2018, 21:05
A bit rude, but works. :) In any case, the auto-close feature is a design-todo for the next releases.
The correct way of closing FFS should be:
taskkill /im freefilesync_x64.exe Gianni1962, 12 Jan 2018, 21:05
Unless explicitly supported by an application, taskkill without "/f" is generally asking for trouble. Technically it simply closes the main window, which can be unexpected by an app in a certain context and lead to a crash.
This is also the reason why taskkill without "/f" appears to work in combination with "Exit".
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PS: taskkill with "/f" is also asking for trouble, of course. ;) It will immediately terminate the process, so it won't have a chance for any kind of clean up or saving of changed config, might leave behind half-written files, etc.
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Probably you mean /f

Taskkill without /f is like closing an app clicking the upper right corner X:
if the app is in a state where it can be closed, it close with regular housekeeping, otherwise none is done.
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Probably you mean /f Gianni1962, 13 Jan 2018, 11:50
Thanks, fixed.