Suggestion to improve the new 10.25 layout grid

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Joined: 15 Feb 2018



I am one of the complainers about the new main grid layout in 10.25.

One think I do like about it is the "sticky" folder name that remains on the top line if you scroll down into a large directory listing. However, that's not enough to convince me to re-upgrade. I'm back running 10.24.

Suggestions that if implemented, might convince me to upgrade:

- Click on the sticky folder name to scroll to the top directory entry for that folder, instead of opening the folder in the file browser. -- because scrollbar sliding is not easy and I always overshoot by a hundred items in a very huge directory listing when trying to find the top.
- Allow tree levels to expand and collapse, maybe by using little "+" and "-" icons next to directory names.
- Issue however: The "action column" would have to apply to all items within a collapsed entry, so you would need a pop-up confirmation asking, "Do you really want to perform this action on the whole directory?"
- Don't use horizontal dashes to separate directory components. Use back-slashes (or forward in Linux). The view is very confusing when directories and filenames actually contain dashes.
- Allow choice of font size, because a smaller font such as Arial Narrow might reveal more of what's listed outside the window in a deep directory.

Posts: 33
Joined: 14 Jul 2020


- fast "moving" by clicking is a god idea

- To collapse as in the left overview would just be intuitive
For different 'operations', after collapse could be used a unique symbol, no need to lose the set operations through collapsing. If everything IS the same use the symbol of the specific operation.