RealTimeSync is active (red icon) but does not trigger the command line on changes when %UserProfile% is to be monitored

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RealTimeSync has as only monitoring folder the user profile of the current user, for example C:\Users\snx or the alias of it %UserProfile%. If a change occurs in the directory, however, the command line is not triggered.

More specific subfolder monitoring such as %csidl_Desktop% works without problems and changes are detected.

I cannot understand the behavior, can someone please explain this to me?

Operating system: Windows 8.1 N x64
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There are constant changes happening to the user folder and RTS only runs the command after the specified idle time. You'll have to break up the monitoring to avoid this.
Posts: 7
Joined: 15 Sep 2020


I have not thought about that, but clearly that makes sense. Thank you for your explanation!