Change in configuration file format?

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I've been happily running v3.12 for a year or so now, and I decided to upgrade
to the latest (4.5). Now, I get parsing errors on my configuration files, and
I can't find any description of what's changed, or how to "migrate" my files.
(I have 24 configuration files: 8 each of ffs_real, ffs_batch, and ffs_gui. I
truly don't want to have to recreate them, which would involve "back
translating" the XML.)

For now, I'm going to revert to 3.12. However, if there's a utility or
something to update the files, I'd be willing to try again. (I'd even be
willing to hand-edit the XML if it's not too involved.)
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Yes there's a conversion utility:
[link broken]
It's simply drag and drop old config onto the executable. However I suggest
making a backup of your config files before trying this tool.
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I'm happily working this version 2.6. Clicking on "check updates" always
stated "up to date".
Now I did a manual search and found I'm not really up to date.

The converter does not an update or my old ffs_gui and ffs_batch files.

Is there a chance to get the updater changed to read such old files?
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There's been a bug in the auto-updater of this old release. As for the config
file conversion, if the converter is not working, the next best solution is to
use a text editor and paste the old data into a file with the new format.