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Is it possible to sync to Onedrive account?
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Hi is there any update to this?
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I've even written a letter to the official email address but no answer at all
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You can synch to OneDrive if you assign a drive letter to OneDrive.
It works but is slow, and has some quirks. For example, files that have a '~' in the filename, are renamed on OneDrive.. the '~' becomes a '^'.
If you upload via the OneDrive browser, it does not show this behaviour.
There are more links with instructions. Just google.

Kind regards
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You can also use "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\OneDrive\"
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Yes, but then you have every file twice on your harddisk: in its original folder and in the "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\OneDrive\".
Or you must move it entirely to "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\OneDrive\" ....
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Well, my OneDrive gets stored on my D drive, so I have "D:\OneDrive"
OneDrive files gets stored somewhere on your computer, use that path
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That is an option. But I like to keep my files organised as they are and not 'force' them into the OneDrive folder.
So I set OneDrive to 'not synchronize with my harddisk'. I use OneDrive basically as a cloud backup drive.
That said, I use Dropbox as you describe.
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Ah, I understand. You aren't storing the files locally, just letting them stay in the cloud. I misunderstood, you are correct
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Use Dropbox. Using OneDrive was a nightmare. My workflow is all master files reside on my X drive. I then use FFS to mirror those files to my Dropbox folder on C: drive. After Dropbox syncs, you can left click on the Dropbox folder and force it to delete all files on your C drive. So, X to C to Cloud then delete the files in C. The Dropbox feature leaves the file directory on C. The only issues I have found is that FFS needs to be run as admin and Dropbox needs to be running when you do the FFS sync. I'm not sure why.

I tried this same exact workflow with OneDrive and it was a pain. Something in my system kept setting a file attribute to P. P is a little used attribute that MS hijacked and uses to set the function for Cloud versus local storage. With the P attribute set, OneDrive thinks you always want to keep a local copy. Thus, their Free Up Space feature does not work. The yahoos at MS had no solution or idea why this was happening. I either had to go in to my C drive OneDrive and free up each file one by one or delete everything on C: and let OneDrive download everything from the Cloud onto C then use the Free Up Space to delete the files. I spent months on this issue with no resolution. Switched to dropbox and have had zero problems (the P attribute is meaningless to dropbox).
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Sync every onedrive with freefilesync,for example local to onedrive, onedrive to another onedrive ...

Press the key combination [Win] + [E] to open Windows Explorer.
Click on "This PC" in the left column and then on "Computer" > "Map network drive" in the menu bar.
In the "Folder:" field, enter the following URL without the quotation marks: "". Do not confirm your entry yet.
Sign in to OneDrive in your web browser. In the address line at the end of the URL you will see an identification code that is assigned to your user account. Copy the sequence of letters and numbers after "cid=" to the clipboard.
Then switch back to the "Map network drive" window and paste the code from the clipboard behind the URL in the folder input field. If you want, you can accept the default drive letter or choose a different one. Confirm the process with "Finish".
A new window will open in which you need to enter the credentials of your OneDrive user account.
Use ffs.

that's it.
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This was my first way to try backup up my one drive since I have the files mirrored on my own computer at:


For some reason though the files are not found when I compare. Any idea why?

@manu371 - When the above didn't work I also tried created a mapped drive. I followed your instructions and it did not work. It thinks for a bit and then I get the message "The network path https://...." not found (I just added the dots but it has the url you give along with my cid
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This was my first way to try backup up my one drive since I have the files mirrored on my own computer at:


For some reason though the files are not found when I compare. Any idea why?

@manu371 - When the above didn't work I also tried created a mapped drive. I followed your instructions and it did not work. It thinks for a bit and then I get the message "The network path https://...." not found (I just added the dots but it has the url you give along with my cid eSilverStrike, 17 Mar 2023, 16:41
Open OneDrive settings and disable "Files on Demand"
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Thanks that looks to be the problem.


Here is a solution that someone told me about that might work for you. A product called Mountainduck. It's designed specifically to "map" a drive letter to your Onedrive account. Then, you can use freefilesync with that newly assigned drive letter.
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Here is a solution that someone told me about that might work for you. A product called Mountainduck. ... LeoW, 22 Mar 2023, 02:40
You can also do that by using NET USE . I put it in a .bat file:
net use x: /savecred /persistent:no
AAAAAAAAA is your OneDrive id.
OneDrive ID can be found in the web address:

When using two-factor authentication, you must NOT use your normal OneDrive account password but you must generate an app-specific password, using this link: --> "Create a new app password"

Note that this drive letter maps directly to your online OneDrive account. Not your local OneDrive on disk.

I don't know Mountainduck. Perhaps that is slightly more comfortable to set up.


Thanks for the instructions. Looks complicated. MD is for novices like me. Also, I have two onedrive accounts, and MD lets me map 2 personal drives. Can't do that otherwise. You also can disable the built-in onedrive software.
I have a Backblaze B2 account and I can map a drive there too.

I'll give it a try on an extra PC.

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Hi, with FreeFileSync I would like to synchronize a folder on my Onedrive cloud with one in my pc, without using the windows built-in sync service at all.
The thing is I want to be able to sync only and when I want to and not automatically like windows does.
I want to totally disable Onedrive as a service from my pc.
I don't use Onedrive as a backup system, that's precisely why I use FreeFileSync.
I just want to have a "non-onedrive" folder on pc synchronized by FFS (and not Windows built-in sync service) with its corresponding one on the cloud
.. but following this thread I didn't quite understand what I need to do.
What I did is that:

I got ""
I got my OneDrive id
I have created the app password
In FreeFileSync I did "browse" in the first FFS panel, when it came up with the windows folder search I entered "" in thr address bar and chose that path as the folder.
After several seconds this window appeared for me.

I entered my username and app password as suggested by you.... But the message reappears empty asking for the same thing... and if I recompile it reappears again... so I undertstand FFS can't get access to Onedrive

What am I doing wrong?
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Save this code as a .bat file and run that. Make sure you enter your OneDrive ID.
It will map your OneDrive to drive letter X:
(There is actually more comment than code in the file. If everything is clear and works, feel free to clean it up).
REM Map OneDrive to a drive letter
REM OneDrive ID can be found in the web address:

REM ------------------------
REM net use k: /savecred /persistent:yes

REM net use options:
REM   /savecred            : if this option is used, credentials (login and pw) are stored on the pc
REM   /persistent:yes|no   : yes: mapping is preserved after a reboot; no: mapping is forgotten after reboot
REM It will then prompt for a username and password, which will be saved and will not prompt even after a reboot.
REM You can also add the credentials by opening Start → Run → control userpasswords2 → Advanced → Manage Passwords.
REM This feature exists on Windows XP and later.
REM -------------------------

net use x: /delete
REM Enter login and password one time. PW is saved and mapping is preserved after a reboot:
REM net use x: /savecred /persistent:yes

REM Enter login and password one time. PW is saved and mapping is NOT preserved after a reboot:
net use x: /savecred /persistent:no

REM Important! When using two-factor authentication, you must NOT use the account password but you must
REM generate an app-specific password, using this link:
REM  --> "Create a new app password"


Hi, with FreeFileSync I would like to synchronize a folder on my Onedrive cloud with one in my pc, without using the windows built-in sync service at all.
The thing is I want to be able to sync only and when I want to and not automatically like windows does.
I want to totally disable Onedrive as a service from my pc.
I don't use Onedrive as a backup system, that's precisely why I use FreeFileSync.
I just want to have a "non-onedrive" folder on pc synchronized by FFS (and not Windows built-in sync service) with its corresponding one on the cloud
.. but following this thread I didn't quite understand what I need to do.
What I did is that:

I got ""
I got my OneDrive id
I have created the app password
In FreeFileSync I did "browse" in the first FFS panel, when it came up with the windows folder search I entered "" in thr address bar and chose that path as the folder.
After several seconds this window appeared for me.

I entered my username and app password as suggested by you.... But the message reappears empty asking for the same thing... and if I recompile it reappears again... so I undertstand FFS can't get access to Onedrive

What am I doing wrong? franksisco, 31 Aug 2023, 19:18

Here are two free soutions. They both allow you to mount/map a drive letter in windows to Microsoft Onedrive so that you could then use free file sync to do any synchronization that you wish and there's no need to create complicated scripts or anything like I'm reading above it's just a simple free installation of a Windows gui software program and you put in your credentials and it gives you a local drive letter on your Microsoft account it's that simple.

Then, you can use FFS to sync from local to F: which is mapped to your Onedrive account.

The easy gui solution is

The command line open source solution is rclone
You run "rclone.exe config" and the program will walk you through the setup process.

I use both of these programs on different computers with free file sync and they're both work.

Rclone lets you connect to over 40 different cloud providers for free so that's what I use in a variety of situations in conjunction with free file sync.
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Thank you all very much for the solutions. I'm going to experiment this afternoon.
Just the last stupid question: so is it really impossible to connect to the onedrive cloud directly in FreeFileSync without first creating that virtual local drive/folder?


The app natively supports Google and SFTP that's all!

OneDrive Must be done using other means as discussed above.

Raidrive will be the easiest I think.

It's sole purpose in life is to mount a drive to Microsoft OneDrive and other cloud services. OneDrive is included for free.
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The solution I am using now, is to backup my 'normal' folders to the standard OneDrive folder on my hard drive. But what I do is to set the OneDrive folder so that all files are stored in the cloud, and not physically on the hard drive. So the file/folder structure uses almost no disk space.
The advantage is that I do not seem to have problems anymore with special characters in file names.
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The app natively supports Google and SFTP that's all!

OneDrive Must be done using other means as discussed above.

Raidrive will be the easiest I think.

It's sole purpose in life is to mount a drive to Microsoft OneDrive and other cloud services. OneDrive is included for free. LeoW, 01 Sep 2023, 06:26
Thank you very much, but I don't understand one thing: is the Raidrive folder/drive just a virtual folder (that FFS can link to) or does it actually contain a synchronized local copy of what it's linked to? Because in the latter case it would be a little weird for me. First because to have on Windows a local synchronized Onedrive folder I would just use the built-in Onedrive service without the need for Raidrive, second because to synchronize with FFS the Raidrive folder (I repeat, only if it's not virtual) with a second folder I would be forced to have a local duplicate of everything, wasting a lot of space.
The solution I am using now, is to backup my 'normal' folders to the standard OneDrive folder on my hard drive. But what I do is to set the OneDrive folder so that all files are stored in the cloud, and not physically on the hard drive. So the file/folder structure uses almost no disk space.
The advantage is that I do not seem to have problems anymore with special characters in file names. RayJohnson, 01 Sep 2023, 07:43
I'm not sure I understand, but I feel that perhaps it's just the solution to the problem I mention above to LeoW. Does your script .bat create a virtual Onedrive drive without any files actually downloaded locally? Because that would be exactly what I need. Like a path to Onedrive that FreeFileSync can connect to but without it actually containing anything locally..


Raidrive will map say H: to your OneDrive account. Everything will remain remote it won't download anything and won't have anything to do with your Windows Microsoft OneDrive configuration.

If you were in free file sync and looked at H: it would bring up a list of all of your remote OneDrive files that are out on the OneDrive server not on your PC.

The Microsoft OneDrive software is linked to a folder in your home folder called OneDrive this is pointing in your case to files in the cloud.

They should match.

I don't think that you need to use both the Microsoft OneDrive software and raidrive unless you wish to.

I normally recommend a product like raidrive to people who are not using the included with Microsoft OneDrive software because they don't like it for one reason or another.
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Thank you very much! In this case I have no problem and Raidrive seems to be a very good solution. Maybe the only downside is that, if I understand, it's not free. In case I can try with Rclone.

Some time ago I had also found solutions like this to manually map a network drive to Onedrive directly in windows explore without the need to installing anything. All very simple but unfortunately I can't get it to work. I think there is some problem with the microsoft 2FA which I have active.

In this case when you are manually creating a network drive you have to enter and when the login pops up to enter the microsoft account email and the app password especially created on microsoft site.
But as I said it doesn't work, windows keeps asking for the login without creating the drive. I am currently trying to get this system to work, if I fail I will go with Raidrive or Rclone


Actually if you read their website carefully the base product supports Google Drive and OneDrive from Microsoft for free and it even lets you map a drive to your Google photos specifically independently from your Google drive files so if you want to back up all of your Google photos this product and the other are the only two I know of that can directly access your photos only on your Google Drive.

Anyway there's no charge to use the software if you're using Microsoft OneDrive. I use it all the time and I've never paid them a dime.
Last edited by LeoW on 02 Sep 2023, 12:12, edited 1 time in total.


Raidrive is Windows only but it's a very easy to use app. It literally takes no brains to set up a connection to Microsoft OneDrive and as I said there's no charge so there's no point in pulling your hair out trying to get your solution to work properly.

Rclone is a command line utility that is open source and works on Windows Linux and Mac. It takes a little learning it has a steep learning curve in comparison to the other.


I have used the solution that you are trying to get working and I have made it work once and then I decided I wasn't going to bother anymore because there's no need to if there is free software that does the job easier.