I am currently trying to set up automatic backup of a FTP-directory.
But the problem I am encountering is that the FTP-Server is a Windows system.
As a result the directory is only reachable when changing the drive letter. (eg. F:\)
This works without issue in FileZilla Client, but in FreeFileSync, this is not possible.
I just get the error:
Cannot read file attributes of "ftp://user01@"
"F:" does not exist.
Would it be possible to implement support for Windows Style FTP-Directories?
If I click browse I immediately get the error message as posted above.
Even if I specify "/" as root, possibly because the Startdirectory for the user is set to "C:\".
Afterwards the dialog for browse still opens, but it only shows "/" and displays the contents of "C:\", but there is no way to switch to the other driveletter.
I am sorry, but I am not able to answer your question as the FTP-server is provided as is by a Third-Party.
I will try asking, but the support is very slow and it might take some time to get an answer.
I got the information, but I expect that it will not help much as they only know that the system is provided by "B&R Industrial Automation", they have their own Management Tool for setting up FTP, I was not able to gain further info what FTP-server exactly is used below this.
I think you might find it helpful if you mounted a drive letter to the ftp server and then used that drive letter inside free file sync. This would be your windows style. It would be because it would be recognizable inside windows. File Explorer as a drive letter.
You Can do this for free with raidrive and rclone. I'd try raidrive first cause it's easier to use and supports ftp mounting to a fixed drive letter in windows file explorer. I think this is what you were referring to when you said windows style FTP.?
You can assign whatever drive letter you want that you have available in windows and then have free file sync. Search that drive and sync that drive instead of trying to connect to the windows ftp server from inside free file sync.
Sorry, but that is not possible as the machine is only reachable internally.
Is there any other way I can somehow collect a debug log or something like that for you?
The server reply for the "LIST" command for the root directory "/" would be interesting. You said, you were seeing an error about "F:" not existing, even when clicking "browse" for "ftp://user01@", which doesn't mention "F:".
Is F: the local drive where the data is on the Windows FTP server?
I'm in the process of loading the windows ftp server software on one of my computers so I can test what you are trying to do to see if I can assist further.
Have you been able to test out mapping a drive letter to the FTP server using Raidrive? It might work for your situation. If you Must include the letter f: in the URL, try using both f:\ and f:/ one will be wrong. Also can you ask someone in IT for help formatting the exact URL required to connect?
As you can see in the picture, The URL and the path go on two separate lines which may work better.
It's real easy and I use it for SFTP at times. I need it mostly for Onedrive as I have more than one account, and Windows only lets you connect to a single personal Onedrive.
Rclone works too. It's just a bit more difficult to learn to use.
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However we finally got the another solution for our use case:
The person in charge of maintaining the settings for the machine was able to finally find the setting for the Homedrive of the FTP-user. As a result we now land directly in F:\ upon connecting. The path however no longer shows up as "F:\", but as "/" in Filezilla.
However we finally got the another solution for our use case:
The person in charge of maintaining the settings for the machine was able to finally find the setting for the Homedrive of the FTP-user. As a result we now land directly in F:\ upon connecting. The path however no longer shows up as "F:\", but as "/" in Filezilla.
Good to see that it worked out. I did configure successfully the Microsoft ftp server only I had not yet discovered the per user home directory. I will need to look for that so I know where it is and how to configure it for future needs.