Synchronisation Settings - Left delete -> Right create new

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Joined: 27 Apr 2024


Hello everyone,

I am currently looking at the following synchronisazion settings and I wonder what the yellow marked setting does:
Screenshot 2024-04-27 195027.jpg
Screenshot 2024-04-27 195027.jpg (51.71 KiB) Viewed 1269 times
I assume that it would create a new file in the destination folder if the source file was deleted, but I fail to make sense of it. In particular, I am wondering how the above setting is different to the following setting:
Screenshot 2024-04-27 195404.jpg
Screenshot 2024-04-27 195404.jpg (48.4 KiB) Viewed 1269 times

To me, it would appear that in both cases if the source file was deleted, nothing would happen to the desitation file. The setting to create a desitation file if the source file was deleted makes no sense to make. What file would be created in that case?

Maybe someone could elaborate the differences between the above two settings with a specific example (with made up files in source and desitation), so that I can understand it.

Thank you very much.
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In FFS, there really is no "source" and "destination" since data could be going either way. The way those actions work is by row, then column. For example, your first picture shows: If an item is deleted in the right location, then copy the item from the left side to the right side. The second picture shows settings that wouldn't take any action if a file was deleted from the right location.

The action taken is determined by the icon in the box, and the trigger for the action is the intersection of a row(event) and column(location)
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Thank you for your reply.

It appears as if I didn't understand how to read those settings properly. Intuitively, I assumed to read them by row and then column in the following manner: "if left side [this action] then apply [that action] to the right" which is apparently not the case. Therefore I wrongly assumed for the first picture that if a delete is performed on the left, then a create will be performed on the right.

Instead it's "If left side is altered (create,update,delete) then do [this action] to left side." and equally "if right side is altered then do [that action] to the right side".

So if I'm understanding this correctly, an example to highlight the difference between the two settings I was referring to in my original post would be the following:

If a file was deleted on the right side, in the first picture, it would be created again by being copied from the left side to the right side. This setting would essentially make it impossible to delete a file from the right whilst it continues existing on the left.

In the second picture, deleting a file on the right side would leave the file deleted, even though it continues to exist on the left side.
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Hoovering your mouse over any of the six Action-icons may also help.