option for RealTimeSync?

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It would be handy to have an option in RealTimeSync to start it automatically when starting Windows.
Is that possible?
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Why duplicate features in FreeFileSync or RealTimeSync that are already built into Windows: the Autostart folder and the TaskScheduler.
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Not everyone is clued up about those though ;)
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That is the reason why FFS has a manual page (see the link above) on the topic.
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Yeah I see that. But personally, I try not to touch windows as much as possible. I try to keep it as clean as possible as reinstalling it then having to reconfigure everything is a pita. Even if buying a new PC, it all has to be set up again. That's why I only use portable applications. Which is how I found FFS.

I tried just about every other free and portable back up program, but FFS is by far the best and easiest to use. So I've come back to it, again and again. I plan to donate to get the portable edition soon as I'm able to. Just to keep my PC clean. I don't mind paying for software, but only if it's worth it and it's portable. FFS is well worth it and am looking forward to getting the portable version.

I know not everyone is into keeping their system clean and tidy, but some of us are, and that's why not everyone wants to use windows for things like this. I personally don't require this, but I see the need and or desire for it. As do many others. It is something that is built into at least half of all the windows apps in existence, old and new. :)