Cannot rename already used by another item.

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Hi there,
I have problems syncing a lot of files to my file server.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

FreeFileSync is 13.7
Source machine is Linux mint 21.3
Destination is Debian 11
Screenshot from 2024-07-12 21-41-47.png
Screenshot from 2024-07-12 21-41-47.png (38.92 KiB) Viewed 436 times
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Reboot everything
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I did it, but no success.
Same error appears.
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Do you have permissions set to allow the deleting of files? FFS copies the file to a temp file first, and then once the transfer completes successfully it will delete the existing copy and rename the updated file to the true file name.
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I've tried to set to all files and folders even 0777 -rwxrwxrwx permissions on the destinations and source.
After observation found that FFS creates its temp file on the destination with 0744 -rwxr--r-- which should be fine or not?
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Should be fine
Just for testing, try disabling "Fail-safe file copy" under TOOLS -> OPTIONS
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It is working fine now.
What exactly is this option in charge of?
Is it safe to leave it disabled?
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It is working fine now. Kiril, 19 Jul 2024, 16:21
Very peculiar. Perhaps this is about a GVFS bug?

FreeFileSync does an "lstat" for "Screenshot from 2022-11-23 18-02-57.png" during the "rename" and finds this file already *existing*. Whether this determination is true or not, only you can tell.
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Is it safe to leave it disabled? Kiril, 19 Jul 2024, 16:21
Read the docs to know what it does and make your own determination