Send logs for every error help

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Posts: 16
Joined: 13 Apr 2014


This one works perfectly:

@echo off
set subject=[Failed] The search terms were not found
for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir "C:\FFS\Logs\" /od /b') do set recent=%%x
findstr /i /c:"successfully" /c:"Nothing to synchronize" "C:\FFS\Logs\%recent%" >nul && set subject=[Success] Synchronization completed successfully
findstr /i "warnings errors aborted" "C:\FFS\Logs\%recent%" >nul && set subject=[Failed] Synchronization completed with errors

"C:\FFS\mailsend.exe" +bc +cc -v -smtp -ssl -port 465 -auth -from EMAIL -to EMAIL -cc EMAIL -bc EMAIL -user EMAIL -pass PASSWORD -sub "FFS_COMPANYNAME/SOURCE-FOLDER_DESTINATION-FOLDER_WHEN: %time%, %date% - %subject%" -attach "C:\FFS\Logs\%recent%"
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Joined: 9 Dec 2007


I think the problem with your previous versions was that you did not write the error cases in reverse like:

if errorlevel 3 (
::error code is 3 or greater
if errorlevel 2 (
::error code is 2 or greater
if errorlevel 1 (
::error code is 1 or greater
Posts: 16
Joined: 13 Apr 2014


Zenju, thank you for your reply. I thought once you define "if errorlevel 1" every other higher level was going to be included in this section and excluded from a new different errorlevel search.

This final script I am using works perfectly, if I find any issue I will try to tweak it with the one suggested by you.