Sync is not working with Task Scheduler

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Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Mar 2013


Hello, I set up a sync between two shared folders/drives. I then created a task scheduler to open the batch job every ten minutes. So far the scheduler has failed every time it tried to open the batch file. Also, when I try to sync manually (clicking on the batch job myself), the "waiting while directory is locked" message comes up. BUT when I disable the scheduler and restart my computer, the sync works fine (when clicked on manually). Can you please help me? Am I missing a step somewhere?
Posts: 141
Joined: 10 Sep 2009


What directories are you trying to sync?
Posts: 141
Joined: 10 Sep 2009


You need to make sure that the user the task is running as in the scheduler has rights to the shares.
Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Mar 2013


Thanks, my IT department is looking into whether or not further permissions may need to be set for my account (for the shared folders). Hopefully that will work!
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Oct 2013


Hello, I set up a sync between two shared folders/drives. I then created a task scheduler to open the batch job every ten minutes. So far the scheduler has failed every time it tried to open the batch file. Also, when I try to sync manually (clicking on the batch job myself), the "waiting while directory is locked" message comes up. BUT when I disable the scheduler and restart my computer, the sync works fine (when clicked on manually). Can you please help me? Am I missing a step somewhere?syncemenow
See my post for Windows 8.1 on the same subject. I had FreeFileSync working successfully doing syncing from one folder to another shared folder on a second computer over my Local Network and executing it from Windows 8 Task Scheduler, then when I upgraded to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8, FreefileSync stopped working when executed from Windows 8.1 Task Scheduler. That is its process never completed and the synced folder never was synced. My symptoms were similar to yours but it seemingly was moving to Windows 8.1 which caused the Task Scheduler to fail to schedule successful FreeFileSync. I might also add that FreeFileSync also worked when I manually executed it with the standalone executable. I might also add that when I moved to and/or updated to release 5.2.2 that FreeFilSync changed the name of the batch executable used to schedule with.
Posts: 3
Joined: 28 Oct 2013


See my post for Windows 8.1 on the same subject. I had FreeFileSync working successfully doing syncing from one folder to another shared folder on a second computer over my Local Network and executing it from Windows 8 Task Scheduler, then when I upgraded to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8, FreefileSync stopped working when executed from Windows 8.1 Task Scheduler. That is its process never completed and the synced folder never was synced. My symptoms were similar to yours but it seemingly was moving to Windows 8.1 which caused the Task Scheduler to fail to schedule successful FreeFileSync. I might also add that FreeFileSync also worked when I manually executed it with the standalone executable. I might also add that when I moved to and/or updated to release 5.2.2 that FreeFilSync changed the name of the batch executable used to schedule with.kimballkinnison
I just resolved my problem with Windows 8.1 Task Scheduler failing to do Sync.

The problem appeared to be that when executed through the Task Scheduler the FreeFileSync processes were not ending. This would hold the Synced folders or whatever else in a locked state until the processes terminated.

I looked at what options you have to do when you do Save As Batch Job and saw that the Show Progress Dialog option had been checked (I believe this must have been defaulted to checked). This must have held up the processing as the Dialog apparently had no place to be displayed and the process therefore was never able to complete and this would keep the logs from being released and the FreeFileSync Task Schedule from completing. It did appear that even though the process never completed the Sync was still done successfully but as the task never completed subsequent Task Schedule Triggers would never be triggered, at least in my case, as the default on Task Scheule Settings Tab is to not submit a task if an Instance is already running. In any event unchecking the Show Progress Dialog option cleared up the problem and FreeFileSync 5.2.2 now completes successfully in Windows 8.1 Task Scheduler.