FreeFileSync 7.3 and Windows 10 - VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR

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Even run as administrator there are plenty errors during locked files copy on Windows 10:

Error calling "backupComp->AddToSnapshotSet": VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR Volume: "\\?\D:\"

Seems like not supported new VSS volume shadow snapshot copy provider on Windows 10...?
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This doesn't seem to be a general Windows 10 x64 issue: I just tested VSS with FreeFileSync on Win10 and it worked.
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Try it with locked system and security files such as:

Acces denied errors:


That files are locked by:
Windows Search, "C:\Windows\System32\SearchIndexer.exe"
Access to service Volume Shadow Copy denied
Error calling "backupComp->AddToSnapshotSet": VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR Volume: "\\?\D:\"

But on Windows 7/8 it does a job as expected. On Windows 10 failed.
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I assume you mean "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows".
I don't get VSS erros when copying these files on Win10. Interestingly they are removed from the VSS snapshot by some optimization writer prior to copying. Since these files are irrelevant for backup they are best excluded manually.

In any case, your VSS error is unrelated to the specific files which are copied: The problem happens at a much earlier time when creating the VSS snapshot for volume "\?\D:\". So this is a general VSS issue. Maybe you are also using software like Acronis which installs its own VSS drivers which can cause such conflicts.