Sync.ffs_lock File

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Why is the new version of FFS leaving this file within the synchronised
directories? Is this by design or is it some sort of a bug?
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These lock files serialize access to a directory in case multiple processes of
FFS (on the same or different PCs) want to modify it. The lockfile is deleted
when an instance of FFS that currently owns a lock does not need it anymore,
program exit at the latest.
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Thanks, Zenju, but one of the files is stuck in one of my folder pairs even
after the program exits.........
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Did the program crash or not end properly? Can it be reproduced?
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Sorry for the late reply but I was busy with work. No the program did not
crash or end unexpectedly. The error is actually 100% reproducible and I think
it is a bug related to having multiple folder pairs with more than one pair
sharing the same source folder (i.e like a folder triangle). the file gets
deleted from two of the folders after the sync is done but stays stuck in the
third one. I hope this makes sense (and more importantly I hope it is
fixable). Let me know if I could offer you more information to help.
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>Let me know if I could offer you more information to help.
Yes, I tried to reproduce it, but did not succeed. Do you have some detailed
steps I need to take?
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I have the file sync.ffs_lock created when I want to sync a list of folders
(more than 100) of my pc to a directory of my usb key everytime

I reproduced every time

There is a countdown then freefilesync sync the data. No crash.

(je peux expliquer plus précisément mais en français)
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the content of the file in hexa :
50 4B 42 41 43 4B 23 20 30 30 31 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9D 73 23 3B
00 00 00 00 00 00 42 20 00 69
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The existence of this locking file is by design. As long as the file is
properly deleted on program shutdown or when other directory pairs are
compared, we don't have a problem.
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the file is deleted at program shutdown, I just verified it
But, if I don't close the program, eject the usb key and insert my second key,
the file is NOT deleted
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True, this is indeed undesired behavior. On the other hand I want this locking
mechanism to be as unintrusive as possible, without an explicit user option.
From a logical point of view locking needs to start before comparison and stop
after synchronization. It's not easy to harmonize this with all real-word
situations. Maybe we need a compromise here (unless there is a solution that
covers even these cases)
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a solution : when I click on synchronisation complete, you can delete this
file ?
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At this point the directories are still susceptible to write access: 1. If
sync didn't finish completely, user may try again with the remaining items 2.
User manually deletes files, then syncs
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"At this point the directories are still susceptible to write access: 1. If
sync didn't finish completely, user may try again with the remaining items."
But that seems what is causing my problem. As the files is not deleted a re-
run of FFS (without completely closing FFS) is causing the dreaded file to
come up as a conflict (only present in one side). Sync this one and it is
stuck into the target folder forever (even when I exit FFS).
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> is causing the dreaded file to come up as a conflict
The lockfile should not have any impact on synchronization as it is already
excluded during comparison.

Do you have some detailed descriptions about what goes wrong and how you
reproduce it?
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"as it is already excluded during comparison."
Ah....... that is my problem then. Why is it then that the file is not
excluded from synchronisation in me case? It started working fine after I
manually excluded it. Could it be that this because the Batch job I am
launching from was created on an older version of FFS?
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> file is not excluded from synchronisation in me case
This really shouldn't be possible. Excluding this file when scanning base
synchronization directories is hard-coded, so it's not dependent from any
configuration. If it is copied still, I'm eager to know about the
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perhaps a solution is an option to eject usb key that will delete
Sync.ffs_lock File ?
Sorry for this reply but I search a solution for deleting this file when I
sync my pc with multiple usb key
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The lock file is only excluded when residing in synchronization base
directories. May this be the problem here: The lock file is located in a
subdirectory and thous visible during another synchronization?
I don't know the details of your synchronization scenario, but this would be
the only explanation I could think of why the lock file participates in sync.
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I Sync personnal data with 2 usb key
I do the firs one, eject the key (lock file is created), insert the second key
and syns again (lock file is created too)
Everedy day I sync my data. The next day freefilesync show these lock files...
Is it clear for you ?
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> I do the firs one, eject the key (lock file is created)
Alright, lock file is deleted when folder is not accessed anymore. You eject
the USB stick before closing FFS, so it leaves a lock file behind. This is
expected (but shouldn't cause any issues)

>The next day freefilesync show these lock files...
Do you mean show they are shown on main grid after comparison?
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yes, I eject usb before closing FFS : the issue is that when the next day FFS
running, lock is present : the issue is a the lock file present in the
destination directorie

the file is not show by FFS but is present in the destination

I confirm : reloading configuration delete this file
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"May this be the problem here: The lock file is located in a subdirectory and
thus visible during another synchronization? "

I think that you are on the right track here. My residual file is in a
subdirectory being synchronised within a diectory that is also being
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the only problem is this residual file in FFS 3.11
the only ways to delete are : close FFS before eject usb stick / reload FFS
config (same or different *ffs_gui)
I only use mirror option
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> the only ways to delete are : close FFS before eject
Yes. On the other hand there isn't any functional restriction and it's pure
existence shouldn't really hurt.

> My residual file is in a subdirectory
I'll see what I can do about this issue. But in general this is an indication
that two synchronizations are running at the same time, I'd suggest to check
how this can happen.
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In my case I sync in directory A only some subdirectories
for exemple A\A1 A\A3 and A\A5 by adding them in filtering in the include
field and nothing exclude
So all others subdirectories are not sync
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Implemented new feature for v3.12:
Automatically exclude database and lock files from all directories (not only
from base)
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I have the same problem from a laptop to a QNAP TS259. Every directory that
syncs leaves behind multiple loc files

![]( files
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Maybe there is some problem deleting files:
Are you using a recent firmware?