Sync.ffs_lock File

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Yes mine is a QNAP TS259 and it has the most recent firmware installed. The
weird thing is that the ffs_lock files are on both my laptop and on the NAS.
Can't delete the files on either side .... even in a kornshell .....
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Also the laptop is freshly built with XP and I used allsync and it copied the
ffslock files over to the laptop on the first sync from the NAS.
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>weird thing is that the ffs_lock files are on both my laptop and on the NAS
What error do you get when you try to delete these files manually (on NAS and
You may use FreeFileSync manual deletion in order to get a useful error code
instead of a generic error message. However FreeFileSync does not list
*.ffs_lock files by default, so you would first have to rename them to have
some other ending.

Did you check the NTFS security permissions of the synchronization root
folder? Maybe they prevent deletion, but allow creation of files.
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When I try to delete them nothing happens. In Kornshell rm says error can't
delete link.
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>When I try to delete them nothing happens
You mean, you renamed them in order to see them in FreeFileSync, then deleted
them manually in FreeFileSync and it was shown as a success, i.e. the file is
shown as deleted, although it is physically existing?
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I rebuilt the laptop. Just installed the freefilesync application. When I do
an analyze it is taking for ever .... says

Waiting while directory is locked .... it spends about 30 seconds on each of
these lock files ....
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There are two main reasons, why deletion could fail: 1. NTFS permission are
setup to prevent deletion. This can be checked out via Windows explorer
file/directory properties. 2. the NAS is setup to prevent file deletion. There
may be a setting in the web interface.
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Ok, I will look into it. I am just going to rebuild the laptop again because
its giving me other issues like not being able to manually delete a folder.

Can you explain to me again why does the sync software put all those lock
files in the directory? Is there a way to have it not do this?

I am the only one that uses the server so locking it is not really necessary.
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So I created a two temp folders. One in my documents on the laptop, and the
other on the Data share of my QNAP server.

Put two txt files in the temp on the laptop and then tried to setup and run a
sync. Here is the error I get .....

Keep in mind that I can access the network drives in windows no problem ....

[404, Invalid URL:]
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Could you re-post the picture with the error message? The use of the locking
file is to prevent two instances of FFS from operating on the same data set in
the sense of a data race-condition, i.e. read + write or multiple write
Generally, in order to fix this behavior, we need to find out, why
FreeFileSync isn't able to delete the file. This could be due to FFS falsely
not detecting the to be deleted file or some permissions problem. To find out,
the best test is to manually delete a file via the graphical interface.
Problem is, that this will try to create the locking file. A workaround is to
create a dummy directory somewhere and place a symbolic link to the actual
target directory.
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Picture will be back up in a while. I rebuilt my server with different volume
configuration to take some encryption load out of the web server.