steals focus

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Joined: 14 Sep 2006


Free File Sync steals focus from a full screen app when it is finished
syncing. In this case I am syncing music or video files for use in XBMC. If I
am watching a video (full screen) and Free File Sync finishes a sync job it
will steal focus from the video, interrupting it.

Is there a way to fix this behaviour?
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Are you running a FFS batch job? In this case enabling "silent mode" should
prevent showing a popup at the end. If you're referring to this bug [404, Invalid URL:] and are using a recent version of the tool, then
we've got something new.
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Joined: 14 Sep 2006


I am not running a batch job, just launching the program from the icon and
synchronizing from the GUI. I am running the latest version, but have noticed
this problem over at least the last two versions as well.
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Fixed for v3.8! You may now watch videos undisturbed. ;)