Error code 11002

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Joined: 5 Dec 2022


I use FreeFileSync in a script to download a file then process the file in the middle of the night. I ran into an issue where FreeFileSync stopped my script with the following:

Error code 11002: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server. [getaddrinfo]

The next morning I hit re-try and the file downloaded and the script processed the file.

Is there a way that to prevent these types of prompts when running from a script? If the download would have failed my scheduled task would have kicked off again until the file downloaded. I'd rather the batch fail instead of providing a prompt.
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Joined: 5 Dec 2022


I received the error again and it held up my script. Is it possible to suppress this error message in script mode?
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When saving a ffs_config setup, you can specify "ignore errors"
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Joined: 5 Dec 2022


Thank you for the reply! I missed that option when creating the batch file.