Configuration and last synchronisation lost after SSD fail

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My data drive SSD failed, I was able to restore the data from backup, but I lost the configuration and synchronisation info in the GUI.

I found sync.ffs_db and thought, this info will be from this file, but obviously not.
I can restore the *.ffs_gui config files, but the last synchronisation date is lost.

Any idea where this is stored and if it can be restored?
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The last sync date should (according to other threads) be in the GlobalSettings.xml file.
Location: see Expert Settings.

However, that dat should not be relevant. Simply run your sync configuration.
Even restoring your sync.ffs_db files is less relevant (or can even be a bit risky if the left- and right-side
sync.ffs_db file do not reflect the status after one and the same FFS run).
So, first only run a Compare, carefully check the proposed sync actions, and only if OK run the actual sync.