Local Filter Exclude Settings do not supersede main settings?

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using 12.3 and having as main filter settings:
→ include "*"
→ exclude "*cache.*"

I expected these local filter settings:
→ include "\Waypointicons\"
→ exclude "*webcam*"
to sync also files named "\Waypointicons\Traditional Cache.png", thinking that a local exclude setting replaces the main one (like the includes).

Nevertheless the local excludes seems to be added to the main settings, so everything named "*cache.*" or "*webcam*" is excluded.

Adding "*cache.*" to the local includes does not help.

Is there an opportunity to inhibit inheritance of the main to the local exclude filters, besides emptying the main settings and copy them only to the appropriate folder pair?

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Local Filter settings are additional to (on top of) the global Filter setting; they don't overrule them.

There are several ways to overcome your problem.
The most obvious one is to convert the global exclude rule "*cache.*" into a local exclude rule "*cache.*" for the left-right pair(s) where that exclude rule should apply.
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Thanks, thought so, but "on top" is only for the exclude rules.

Otherwise in my example all files (include "*" from main) would be synced, and not only the ones matching the local include "\Waypointicons\", wich would be redunant if only "on top" ...
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Well no... The global include filter says "*" and the local says "\Waypointicons\", so only files that pass both filters are included. Similar with exclude filters, only files that aren't caught in either the local or global filter are included.

"\Waypointicons\Traditional Cache.png" would be included by the global "*" and the local "\Waypointicons\", good. It wouldn't be caught by the local exclude "*webcam*" filter, but it does get caught by the global "*cache.*" filter, thus gets excluded
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I think I've understood now, thank you.