Silent installation

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I'm trying to install FFS on many computers using wpkg (windows XP), the /S
switch works, however FFS only installs it's start menu items for the user
that installs it rather than all users.

Is there a command line switch for an all users install?

I tried to find the NSIS script in the cvs repro, but it looks as if all the
files have just been deleted??!

Also, when it is installed windows says that the .exe's can't be run, is this
beacause FFS needs a particular dotNET version or something?

I'll try installing it directly in a bit.
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> the /S switch works
That's rather coincidental, because I've not explicitly included command-line
support. I'm using custom nsis pages, so the default nsis switches most likely
won't work correctly (haven't tried it though).

> Is there a command line switch for an all users install?
No, currently it installs for the current user only. You COULD however use the
same installation by different users, but then there would be a clean-up-
problem, where uninstaller leaves configuration data in some
%appdata%\FreeFileSync directories (at least for the "local" installation
type). But as you certainly wouldn't want to uninstall anyway, there probably
is no problem at all ;)

> I tried to find the NSIS script in the cvs repro
CVS isn't maintained anymore since quite a long time.

> FFS needs a particular dotNET version or something?
No, FFS shouldn't require anything. It may be a bug in that I forgot to link
the .exe statically. Generally I want to investigate such a thing, because I
consider it as a "feature" of its own that FFS does not require the user to
install any third-party libraries at all. You can open a bug-tracker item on
this, if you have more information.
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I tried installing ffs as a normal admin user (wpkg runs as SYSTEM) and it
runs fine so I don't know what the problem with the .exe's is/was (the icons
for the .exe's was the plain white windows default .exe icon rather than the
spinning arrows thing).

The problem is that the person that wants to use it won't see the start menu
entries etc cos they are not put in the All Users profile thing.

I copied the start menu entries to the All Users folder by hand and then
logged in as a normal user and it runs fine.

What are you using as the source code control system now btw?
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> know what the problem with the .exe's is/was
Most likely you were trying to start the x64 executable on your 32 bit system.
The installer contains both 32 and 64 bit executables.

> the person that wants to use it won't see the start menu entries
I could have the icons installed (and deinstalled) for all users by default. I
guess this wouldn't "cost" anything. But still there is the "problem" with
multi-user de-installation: clean-up of each users's (last-run) config files.

> What are you using as the source code control system now btw?
FreeFileSync. It's perfect for me to make snapshots of all relevant
sourcefiles while excluding all the junk files.
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I can live with the last run config files hanging around, it's not as if it's
a rare thing for windows apps to do.

I was asking about the source code control system cos i was hoping to look as
the NSIS script and maybe modify it for my needs, but presumably with using
FFS as your SCCS means that the source tree isn't publicly visible, so it
can't be used for colaboration or for people to browse the change history.
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> it's not as if it's a rare thing for windows apps to do.
Sure, it's the easy, the quick way... the way to the "dark side" ;)

I'll put this on my to-do list and see if I can find a nice solution. Right
now it seems the only parts that are affected are startmenu/desktop links and
cleanup. So it's probably not a big deal.
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If I install using the /S switch on my 32 bit Windows XP system,
FreeFileSync.exe fails with the error "FreeFileSync.exe is not a valid Win32
application." Also, the installed FreeFileSync.exe is 4,505 KB instead of
3,197 KB.

FreeFileSync is a great piece of software. I have only started using it today,
having given up with the two commercial products I tried. I have found that
FreeFileSync hides all the power I need behind a deceptively simple user
interface. Thank you.

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> FreeFileSync.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
That is the 64 bit executable.

Working on the installer is currently not my top priority, but I'll see what I
can do:
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