Problem creating the panel (ubuntu 9.10)

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Joined: 5 Apr 2010


I've installed Freefilesync, following the suggestions posted by Zenju, on my
Ubuntu 9.10 and it work fine, if I launch the program (double click on
Freefilesync) from the folder BUILD.
For convenience, I've created a panel, but when I click the icon the program
start with the following message: can't open file 'Resources.dat' (error 2: No
such file or directory). I want to use my national language (Italian), but
there is a second error: can't open file 'Languages/italian.lng' (error 2: No
such file or directory), followed by the message: Error reading file:

Somebody can help me to eliminate these errors, so i can use the panel instead
of BUILD/freefilesync?
Thanks in advance.
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@rgarbe: Thanks for notifying this! This is actually a bug, that comes up only
under specific circumstances, i.e. installation type portable and current
directory not equal working directory.

Fixed for 3.7.
