Right-click menu for Tray icon of RTS gets blocked [BUG?]

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Joined: 8 Jun 2023


If RTS for whatever reason pop-ups the
FreeFileSync - Warning
window then if user goes to the Tray notification area of Windows 10 and clicks with the right mouse button on the icon of RTS what happens is nothing. It is only after users addresses this and other such windows will a context menu appear - in a place where the last mouse click concerning FFS has been just performed

Although I do see a logic behind this, of user being forced to resolve potentially important issues, there is firstly no reason for the context menu to appear away from the Tray area. And secondly if a user knows what is doing and just wants quickly close RTS and then address the core of issues causing the pop-ups outside of FFS / RTS environment, or to not address them at all in a given moment, then user is forced to close down those windows first instead of using the Close option available for the Tray icon