v13.0 Always tries to connect to the internet

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Thank you again for FreeFileSync.

Most of the time, I am not using a computer connected to the internet.

FreeFileSync, until v13.0, handled this without issue.

I would simply disable FreeFileSync update checks using the appropriate menuitem, and all was well. Yes, it would try to access the internet when I would manually install every new version. Yes, that was a bit annoying, but it wasn't too frequent.

In FreeFileSync v13.0, things have changed, and unfortunately not in an ideal way. Unless I'm not seeing something, there is now no way to disable automatic update checks via the internet. This can result in security alerts. Plus, now there is a large message across the FreeFileSync menubar that erroneously states "(star) FreeFileSync <version unknown> is available! (star)".

I would like FreeFileSync to respect that I don't want it to try to connect to the internet unless I explicitly ask it to do so (which in my case, is never).

I would find it sufficient to be able to manually add an option to a config file to accomplish this goal. This would not require any change to the FreeFileSync UI.
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FreeFileSync without internet access should work fine. The "FreeFileSync <version unknown> is available" only comes up when the FreeFileSync website cannot be accessed, but other websites are still available. The program then concludes, there's something wrong with the FreeFileSync website (which happened once in the past, and update checks were broken permanently for an old FFS version).
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Thanks Zenju. Unfortunately, that's not my experience. So let's diagnose what's happening. What is FreeFileSync doing to detect other websites are available, but its website is not?

Also, what is the method to get it out of this confused state?
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Fixed! It will be necessary to remove the GlobalSettings.xml file once, though: https://www.mediafire.com/file/50vwlcp6uzcbu7w/FreeFileSync_13.1_%255BBeta%255D_Windows_Setup.exe
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Thank you!