I'm using FreeFileSync 5.9 Build Nov 11 2012 Unicode x64 on Kubuntu 12.10 64bit
I'm trying to sync a local folder "/home/Foto/" with an Hard Disk player using Linux with NTFS filesystem mounted with smb4k into "/home/prova/smb4k/HMB/HDD1(SATA)/Foto/"
My sync strategy is simply copying new files without checking for date modification or for deleted files.
Here my configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FreeFileSync XmlType="BATCH">
<VersioningFolder Limit="-1"/>
<TimeSpan Type="Inactive">0</TimeSpan>
<SizeMin Unit="Inactive">0</SizeMin>
<SizeMax Unit="Inactive">0</SizeMax>
<LogfileFolder Limit="-1"/>
\[19:48:39\] Info: Start comparison
\[19:50:49\] Info: Synchronising folder pair:
Left: '/home/Foto/'
Right: '/home/prova/smb4k/HMB/HDD1(SATA)/Foto/'
\[19:50:49\] Info: Creating file '/home/prova/smb4k/HMB/HDD1(SATA)/Foto/2012--/11 Varie/test.JPG'
\[19:50:50\] Error: Cannot write modification time of '/home/prova/smb4k/HMB/HDD1(SATA)/Foto/2012--/11 Varie/test.JPG'.
Linux Error Code 2: File o directory non esistente (File or Directory not existing)
\[19:50:50\] Error: Synchronisation completed with errors!
I confirm that I can copy through the filemanager the files from one folder to the other without any issue (even many and big, several GB, files)
Also with an SD card (but a different folder and MIRROR SYNC strategy) everything is fine.
Am I doing something wrong?