lost GUI elements

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Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Jun 2003


I was using FFS very smoothly until SugarSync new beta blew up on me. So I am attempting to set FFS up with Skydrive. I use RealTimeSync to bring items over to the BoxCryptor virtual drive, and then BoxCryptor encrypt them and places them in the Skydrive folder.

It's been a nightmare trying to set this up. But let me start with the most salient item. I was trying the sync job in FFS and playing with the mouse. The next thing I knew the GUI section that allows you to add or remove locations began floating, and I found no way to reset it. Since then, I have found no way to make it reappear; it is gone.

How do I get the interface back to full functionality?
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Jun 2003


Ok, I found it hidden in a right-click menu "default view".