Disable auto-update option

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Is there an option to change auto-update for manual checking? I hate when I can't control my software.
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That option seems to be missing from the current version. I feel like I remember the option being there previously
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Are there any plans to reintegrate this option?
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I hate when I can't control my software. hqqddy, 30 Nov 2023, 09:26
Me too
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Looks like the only current option is to block it in your firewall
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Looks like the only current option is to block it in your firewall xCSxXenon, 14 Jan 2024, 15:41
Well it is not a good option to me. To clear my point of view I am a donating user. I am just like when software (developer) respect my need. As well as developer awaiting from users the same way.
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Looks like the only current option is to block it in your firewall xCSxXenon, 14 Jan 2024, 15:41
Well it is not a good option to me. To clear my point of view I am a donating user. I am just like when software (developer) respect my need. As well as developer awaiting from users the same way. hqqddy, 14 Jan 2024, 18:24
I support the statement by "hqqddy". I am also a paying user and do not want to see these messages! Please give us the option to deactivate them again.
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I second this.
I need an app without any unattended network connection.
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Darth Agnon

I have noticed FreeFileSync automatically attempting to check for updates in the menubar and via an annoying popup. I wish I could disable all update checks, as they are annoying and unsightly. When I want to update, I check back here on the website periodically, but no features I use have been added in ages, and the flat comparison view I used was removed a few versions ago.

* FreeFileSync <version unknown> * and ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED are not very pretty or useful. I know the version I'm using is outdated, I know I firewalled it to block internet access, please do not remind me.