Time Span: / Last X Hours - New Feature

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Posts: 6
Joined: 5 Dec 2022


During the day I'm able to SFTP my files as needed. I would like to automate my download process at night. I do not need to download the last 24 hours. Would it be possible to get a Time Span filter for last X hours so that I can download the last 8 hours?
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If you set the Time Span to 1 day (in the FFS Filter tab F7), does not mean everything that changed in the last 24 hours will be "downloaded" (possibly again), but rather that only files that changed in the last 24 hours will be Compared and considered for the need to be "downloaded".

Files you SFTP'd during the day, are already in sync (=Compare result: equal);
the corresponding sync action will then be "do nothing", so no renewed download of those files.
Posts: 6
Joined: 5 Dec 2022


@plerry Thank you for the suggestion but that does not work for my process. After I download the files, I process them and they are moved from the folder. With the last 1 day it downloads files that have already been processed.