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Yesterday I ran a folder sync from D: to E:
Today ran folder sync from D; to F: for copy backup and got this

The following folders are significantly different. Please check that the correct folders are selected for synchronization.

D:\Coal Mine History Project <->
F:\Coal Mine History Project

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Correct, that is how FFS is programmed to work.
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Please explain why it wouldn't sync both folders to be the same on each HD D and F?
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It will, it simply showed a warning message. It's a last-ditch effort to help a user prevent themselves from destroying data.
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What type of sync?

I take it that that message is only apt to occur for particular sync types?
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Attached is screen photo. This was after I tried to run sync, before that files were shown on both sides showing what files were missing on each side with arrow showing if files needed sync left or right.

Read my first post.
Like I said when first run from D: to E: it worked
Then when run again from D: to F: it failed.
FFS-1.jpg (411.12 KiB) Viewed 665 times
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Your picture shows that:
• There are 511 files equal between your left and right location
• There are 393 files in your right location that are not (yet) present in your left location, and FFS intends to copy righ-to-left.
• There are 11 conflicts between your left and right-side, that FFS can not resolve and you need to resolve manually.
If left and right were in sync at the end of the previous FFS, I obviously do not know what you did to create those delta's between left and right.
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I'll try to run again from D: to F:
and post my results in a few days.
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OK, tried to sync today 3/7/24
D:\Coal Mine History Project on PC HD
F:\Coal Mine History Project EXT USB HD
FFS shows it wants to move photos in F: subfolder(coal mine photos) to same subfolder on D:
attached screen capture shows the files are present in file explorer.
FFS-4.jpg (570.37 KiB) Viewed 559 times
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The only difference I see is the capitalization of 'Mine' on one side. I'm sure it won't make a difference, but what happens if you change it so the folders match identically?
Also, what happens if you only sync one of the files? You can click one of the photos and hit ENTER to sync just that one item.
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While you may have same named files, what about time & size (your comparison method)?

You can see time in W/E, but not in FFS.
You can see size in FFS, but not in W/E (at least not to the byte level).

Might something have changed the dates of particular files &/or might the file sizes have changed (like a Tag change, changing the size)?


Check your paths. Double check your paths.

On the 2nd shot, on D:, line 1, you have a directory indicator ? seemingly with no name?
Is that expected?
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While you may have same named files, what about time & size (your comparison method)?

You can see time in W/E, but not in FFS.
You can see size in FFS, but not in W/E (at least not to the byte level).

Might something have changed the dates of particular files &/or might the file sizes have changed (like a Tag change, changing the size)? therube, 08 Mar 2024, 16:21
Shouldn't matter since the action icon shown by FFS indicates that the files exist only on the right side.
It must be something with the paths, as always lol