Free File Sync on QNAP (without VM)

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Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Mar 2024


Is there a change to install Free File Sync on QNAP? Did anybody this successfully? Any Tutorial how to do this? Any hints, tips from a Linux guy?
Maybe somebody has worked on a container image?

Posts: 999
Joined: 8 May 2006


So you're wanting FFS to run off of the QNAP (NAS ?) itself, rather then off a local computer (that is connected to the NAS)?
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Mar 2024


Thanks for your answer.
The intention to do it this way is based on the advantage of using the QNAP NAS as a device with sufficient CPU power, which must (can) already be part of the solution. Maybe I have an external HD or a 2nd NAS that I want to copy from. So why not use it as the main CPU device for FFS?

It would be grateful if I could get an answer more along the lines of my question. I know there are alternatives to using FFS, but I'm interested in using FFS directly on QNAP and need help on the best way to do this.

Thanks melgoth
Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Sep 2024


This was going to be my first post. I also would like FFS for QNAP. Their default backup/sync app is terrible and the ones on aren't much better. They mainly focus on syncing to the cloud. I've read it is easy to make QNAP versions with open source but it is beyond me.