Organize the Configuration tab

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I really like FreeFileSync and use it a lot but have one problem I can't seem to find a solution for. Maybe I don't know what phrase to search for here in the Forum.

Recently, I reorganized my Configuration tab with the various synch strategies I use between my desktop, portable drive I use traveling, as well as periodic backups. I currently have them grouped by the type of activity using colors and that works pretty well, BUT I would like the DISPLAY to change.

You can probably see my groups are showing in this order:
OUTbound to my "Y" drive,
OUTbound to my "Z" drive,
LOCAL backups, and then,
INbound or restore from my "Z" drive to my desktop drives.

I suppose it is my "OCD" but I would like to organize them like this:
OUTbound to my "Z" drive,
OUTbound to my "Y" drive,
LOCAL backups, and then,
INbound or restore from my "Z" drive to my desktop drives.

I found I can remove the color highlight, add a number to the front of the configuration names and then recolor them but there has to be an easier way to reorder the Configuration tab. The order I would like reflects how I use them. I HAVE made the mistake of syncing the wrong direction which is one reason I was careful to group them as I have.

Open to suggestions...
Configuration tab.png
Configuration tab.png (41.46 KiB) Viewed 739 times
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You could select the first entry of each group, press F2, and prefix with a number.