Is this possible?

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Joined: 26 Apr 2024


I have a program called "Manager" installed on my two laptops. the database file of this program is on OneDrive.
I use one laptop to update the db and if I use the second laptop to check the change I just made, I see it's not always visible on the second laptop.

Is it possible to use FreeFileSync to "Sync" my changes automatically?

(I do not like to have local copies of my database on either laptop.)

Thank you in advance.
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If you are logged into OneDrive on both devices, shouldn't it already be kept in sync? There will be some delay of course, but the whole point of OneDrive is to have your data synced up between devices
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Joined: 24 Mar 2024


Are both laptops logged in to the same Onedive account, or are these two different users?
Probably the same but need to ask.

OneDrive can have the file stored on the PC and in the cloud or in the cloud only, Etc make sure that you are certain that the folder that you're using on computer a has successfully synchronized its data to the clound so that when computer be is looking at that same folder it's seeing the same contents.

You can always use this software to synchronize the files from a local PC folder to the cloud folder but if you have the cloud software installed it should not be necessary. The trick is to make sure that the files are not only on the PC but are also stored in the cloud. Login to your OneDrive account using a web browser and there you will see exactly what is on the cloud regardless of what you're looking at on either of the two PC.