Mark all equal files (without equal folders) on one side in one step?

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Is it possible to mark all equal files in one step?

After comparing I would like to delete all the equal files on one side; but I cannot find a way to sort the files, so that they are separated (either the files at the bottom or on top) from the folders to mark them.

Is there a way to mark all the equal files on one side without the folders?

And is it possible to always have the option "Delete on both sides" in the "Confirm" window by default unchecked independently whether it was checked the last time to avoid accidentally deletion?
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> but I cannot find a way to sort the files, so that they are separated

Either sort by date or size will do. However make sure to not accidentally select folders for deletion (a gotcha you luckily already seem to be aware of).

>possible to always have the option "Delete on both sides" in the "Confirm" window by default unchecked

I have to think about that. Maybe not saving this setting at all and defaulting to "single side only" is actually a better design as it meets expectations users have from using Windows Explorer.
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Thanks Zenju.

<<<Either sort by date or size will do.
Sorting by date doesn't seem to work for me, files and folders are mixed (like sorting by name or extension). Is it sure sorting by size will always work? With sub folders also? I am very anxious about it.

<<<However make sure to not accidentally select folders for deletion (a gotcha you luckily already seem to be aware of)
Yes, I should, is very difficult to find folders (and unselect them) among e.g 100.000 files, it is very easy to miss one...

<<<I have to think about that. Maybe not saving this setting at all and defaulting to "single side only" is actually a better design as it meets expectations users have from using Windows Explorer.
Yes, that would be great.
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> Is it sure sorting by size will always work? With sub folders also? I am very anxious about it.

I guess so, all folder should appear after files on the list view. Do you think there is a bug?
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<<<I guess so, all folder should appear after files on the list view. Do you think there is a bug?
No no, sorry, I wouldn't say so, may be a handling error, but how could I do one in this case (just click on the column)...I am asking, because you said: "Either sort by date or size will do". So, by date doesn't work for me (folders and files are mixed up), sorting by size works as far as I can see (I would have do control a lot of files), but because you say by size and date will work and by date doesn't for me, there might be a probability that by size doesn't work for me also. And to check / verify this, I would have to control thousands...50.000s of files each time or sometimes and deleting the wrong files would be...sorry again, that's why I asked. How could I really be sure? That's why I am afraid of.

<<<<<<I guess so, all folder should appear after files on the list view. Do you think there is a bug?
Hmm, may be, if sorting by size or date would mean all folders must appear after files, then there might be a bug when sorting by date...
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It sounds like you're talking about a bug with the sort by date. Can you show me a screenshot how this looks on your screen? This will give some context information, that might help to find out what's going on.
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Very sorry, I just have thought, I should have made a screen shot, I will do the next time...or a will make a compare and see whether it occurs again.

It looks just like the folders and files are mixed up, if I remember right there were a few folders among the files.

So, I did a compare and sorted by date, now...a display for the marked not there...?...there are files at the bottom, about 40, 50, then the folders, after the folders to the top files again...ah, no, also folders among the files...could I send you the screen shot or the link to vía PM or e-mail?

An option to mark all (equal) files (on one side) without folders would be good....
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You can post the screenshot here, just add an attachment.

>An option to mark all (equal) files (on one side) without folders would be good....

This doesn't seem to be a frequently required feature, latter of which the FFS GUI should concentrate with it's buttons and checkboxes.
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<<<You can post the screenshot here, just add an attachment.
Yes, I know, but may be I wouldn't like the screen shot to be seen by other people.

<<<This doesn't seem to be a frequently required feature, latter of which the FFS GUI should concentrate with it's buttons and checkboxes.
I understand.
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> Yes, I know, but may be I wouldn't like the screen shot to be seen by other people.

Then send it per email; see FFS's about dialog.
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Very sorry, I had already looked for you PM, couldn't find, I cannot cope with this forum
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It's not hard to find. Go into FFS and click help then about and its right there!
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Ah yes, of course, the program, not this forum, I missinterpreted, sorry.

Thank you, srjones67.

Just sent.
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The sort by date looks correct on your screenshot, but you do not seem to be aware that FFS allows to sort on either left or right hand side.
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I would say, I am aware of that, but what could that mean being aware of it?
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You clicked the "date" column on the left hand side, but there are not any files on that sided. I figured this is what you assume to be erroneous? If that's not it, you need to explain what you think is not correct.
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OK, so you have to click the date or size column of the panel (not the other one) you want to get the files / folders sorted on: at the bottom or top folders first, after the files. When you click these columns of a panel, folders and files of the other panel won't be sorted. Is that right?

I would have thought, clicking the date or size column will sort the items in both panels, but obviously that is wrong.
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