Synchronize Form Suggestion

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Posts: 1
Joined: 18 May 2024


On the Synchronization Form

My primary use is backing up remote servers operation data back to a NAS system, which takes hours, even when just Syncing. Typically this is a daily task, and am often called upon to monitor the progress.

On the form, the file name line is often long due to multiple levels of directories.
( Yes, the filename 'shortening is GREAT, and yes, I can always maximize the form, but there are other things running. )

The Filename line contains not only the Filename itself, but also the number of concurrent threads and the percentage of completion on long file copies.

To help in the monitoring, what about:

Moving the indicator of the number of threads to a different line
Moving the 'operation' ( Creating File, Copying File, Deleting File, etc ) to a different line

On a long file copy where it shows the percentage of completion, this could also go into the 'operation' line.

When multiple threads are being used, it only shows one file ( especially for long copy operations and showing percentage complete ), what about showing all file currently in process for each thread.

Thank You.