During my 1st ever sync of a folder filled with pictures I received an error stating something about not having access. This happened a couple of minutes in to the sync process.
I was attempting to sync files from an external USB drive that is connected to the USB port on my Cisco Linksys EA4500 wireless router to an external USB drive on my desktop computer.
I clicked ok to the error message and the sync did not continue. When I looked at the destination folder that was being created a few of the pictures files in sub folders were missing.
When I looked at the jpg file in the folders of the original folder some of the files now looked like folders. These folder files did not get copied to the destination. These folder files should have been files and NOT folders. Example DSC05744.JPG is now a folder instead of a jpg file
I removed the drive from my Linksys EA4500 wireless router and plugged it in to my desktop.
Original drive from EA4500 is K:
New drive is I:
On the original drive K: I noticed some of the files and folders had the hidden and read only attribute set. I tried to remove them and could not. Further investigation showed these folders containing my pictures also had the system attribute set. I have removed all the system, hidden and read only attributes now from my picture folder, sub folders and files on drive K:.
Ok so now the big dilemma…
How do I get these folders that were previously pictures files to turn back in to pictures? Normally I would not worry about a few pictures but these are of my 18 yr. old son that I lost in a car accident a couple years back so they are good memories for me.
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Here is exert from the log:
2/3/2013: Synchronization aborted!
Items processed: 157 (61.1 MB)
Items remaining: 19,446 (62.1 GB)
Total time: 00:01:18
[8:47:18 AM] Warning: Significant difference detected:
J:\Pictures\ <->
More than 50% of the total number of files will be copied or deleted!
[8:47:45 AM] Info: Synchronizing folder pair:
Left: 'J:\Pictures\'
Right: 'I:\'
[8:47:55 AM] Error: Cannot copy file 'J:\Pictures\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG' to 'I:\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG.ffs_tmp'.
Windows Error Code 5: Access is denied.
[8:48:10 AM] Info: Creating file 'I:\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG'
[8:48:10 AM] Error: Cannot copy file 'J:\Pictures\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG' to 'I:\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG.ffs_tmp'.
Windows Error Code 5: Access is denied.
[8:48:11 AM] Info: Creating file 'I:\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG'
[8:48:11 AM] Error: Cannot copy file 'J:\Pictures\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG' to 'I:\2004.04 Dustin_Bday\DSC07026.JPG.ffs_tmp'.
Windows Error Code 5: Access is denied.
[8:48:37 AM] Error: Synchronization aborted!
Files Changed to folders
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>Warning: Significant difference detected:
> J:\Pictures\ <->
> I:\ More than 50% of the total number of files will be copied or deleted!
This message could be an indication that you mismatched source and target directories. It would also explain the confusion about getting folders when expecting files (a bug in FFS that could cause such a behavior is almost impossible).
> How do I get these folders that were previously pictures files to turn back in to pictures?
This depends on what setting you have used for "deletion handling". If you have left everything at default, then this is set to "recycle bin". You can then open Windows recycle bin to restore the deleted and updated files.
> J:\Pictures\ <->
> I:\ More than 50% of the total number of files will be copied or deleted!
This message could be an indication that you mismatched source and target directories. It would also explain the confusion about getting folders when expecting files (a bug in FFS that could cause such a behavior is almost impossible).
> How do I get these folders that were previously pictures files to turn back in to pictures?
This depends on what setting you have used for "deletion handling". If you have left everything at default, then this is set to "recycle bin". You can then open Windows recycle bin to restore the deleted and updated files.