Hope it's able to customize file name of .ffs_db

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The database file works great, but I faced some problems.

Freefilesync always create two database file at both side, and all applications use the same filename.

As for my working situation, I works at two laptops, and use OneDrive for backup and middle man. I sync the file from both laptops to OneDrive.

However when they are trying to create or write the "sync.ffs_db", two files with same name caused conflicts in OneDrive.

I tried not to create database file, but it seems caused some incorrect syncing, so I hope to keep the database.

The most obvious way as I can see is to allow users to customize the name of ".ffs_db".
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This problem is out of scope of this application in my understanding. You can always exclude specific file types in OneDrive. That way it will never sync and will not create conflict.
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This problem is out of scope of this application in my understanding. You can always exclude specific file types in OneDrive. That way it will never sync and will not create conflict. fullxml, 20 Jul 2024, 11:42
I've set to exclude .ffs_db file in OneDrive, but seems it could do nothing helpful. It's not about the auto-upload of onedrive, actually freefilesync is creating files in the same folder with same name, which is the main reason that perplexed onedrive.
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I am not having this issue with OneDrive. The only time I can imagine this becoming a problem is if each computer starts a sync at the same time. They will both be accessing the OneDrive folder, but there is a delay in the propagation of the lock files and db files from one computer to OneDrive and then from OneDrive to the other computer. It's a race condition that Microsoft deals with by keeping both files and appending the computer's name to one of them.
Waiting for sufficient time between syncs may help. You also might want to mark the sync.db files as "always available offline" in OneDrive so the most recent versions are available to FFS at all times.
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I am not having this issue with OneDrive. The only time I can imagine this becoming a problem is if each computer starts a sync at the same time. They will both be accessing the OneDrive folder, but there is a delay in the propagation of the lock files and db files from one computer to OneDrive and then from OneDrive to the other computer. It's a race condition that Microsoft deals with by keeping both files and appending the computer's name to one of them.
Waiting for sufficient time between syncs may help. You also might want to mark the sync.db files as "always available offline" in OneDrive so the most recent versions are available to FFS at all times. xCSxXenon, 21 Jul 2024, 14:09
It's probably like you said. One of the machines run the syncing script periodically, and the other machine may takes some time to upload, which locks the db file and treated as competitive edit by OneDrive. Thank you for your suggestions. But I'm not very sure how does "always avaliable offline" help with this situation.

Is the db file unique for each specific folder, no matter which application is the creater? I found the size of db files created by two computers are not equal for the same OneDrive folder. They may still competitively edit the db file if they consider the db file needs to be corrected. I'd appreciate it if you could answer.
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I'm not very sure how does "always avaliable offline" help with this situation.

Is the db file unique for each specific folder, no matter which application is the creater? Winfred, 21 Jul 2024, 16:48
I'm not sure either, it was just a suggestion that you could try. I thought of it because I am NOT having this issue, even with three computers running FFS automatically to stay in sync, and I have my OneDrive set to always save local copies whereas the default behavior is 'on demand' file streaming.

The db file is unique per location and different FFS installs can use the same one
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I'm not very sure how does "always avaliable offline" help with this situation.

Is the db file unique for each specific folder, no matter which application is the creater? Winfred, 21 Jul 2024, 16:48
I'm not sure either, it was just a suggestion that you could try. I thought of it because I am NOT having this issue, even with three computers running FFS automatically to stay in sync, and I have my OneDrive set to always save local copies whereas the default behavior is 'on demand' file streaming.

The db file is unique per location and different FFS installs can use the same one xCSxXenon, 21 Jul 2024, 16:54
I tried to wait five minutes before running the next syncing, but it didn't seem helpful. Two db files have totally different size and they were considered have "conflicts that cannot be merged" by OneDrive.

And the db file would always be replaced by a new one once after syncing, the new one would still be like "on demand". So I can't set this file "always avaliable offline" as I don't want to store all OneDrive files on my computers.