Google Drive bug - files are sometimes recreated instead of replaced

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When syncing to URL `gdrive:\MY_EMAIL\PC Backup` and a file needs to be updated, sometimes, FreeFileSync instead creates a NEW file with the same name (in Google Drive you are allowed to have multiple files with the same name under the same directory, since they're distinguished by ID).
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Are you using the native GDrive integration?
Either way, this must mean the file ID is changing on Google's side, causing the desync
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Yes, I am
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Does this only happen when the offending file is open? I am wondering if FFS uses fail-safe copying by transferring to a tmp file, then it deletes the existing version and renames the new one. If the existing version can't be deleted for some reason, I would expect to see what you are seeing
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Joined: 5 May 2023


This happens even on files that are not open at the moment of synchronization (even files I never opened at all).

I'm using the following Global Settings:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<FreeFileSync XmlType="GLOBAL" XmlFormat="27">
  <Language Code="en_US"/>
  <FailSafeFileCopy Enabled="false"/>
  <CopyLockedFiles Enabled="false"/>
  <CopyFilePermissions Enabled="false"/>
  <FileTimeTolerance Seconds="2"/>
  <RunWithBackgroundPriority Enabled="false"/>
  <LockDirectoriesDuringSync Enabled="true"/>
  <VerifyCopiedFiles Enabled="false"/>
  <LogFiles MaxAge="30" Format="Text"/>
  <ProgressDialog AutoClose="false"/>
  <!-- truncated -->
And the following ffs_gui file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<FreeFileSync XmlType="GUI" XmlFormat="23">
    <Differences LeftOnly="right" LeftNewer="right" RightNewer="right" RightOnly="right"/>
    <VersioningFolder Style="Replace"/>
    <SizeMin Unit="None">0</SizeMin>
    <SizeMax Unit="None">0</SizeMax>
    <TimeSpan Type="None">0</TimeSpan>
  <FolderPairs> <!-- truncated for brevity --> </FolderPairs>
  <Errors Ignore="false" Retry="0" Delay="5"/>
  <PostSyncCommand Condition="Success"></PostSyncCommand>
  <EmailNotification Condition="Always"/>