Issues with Cross-Platform Syncing

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Posts: 1
Joined: 23 Jul 2024


Hello FreeFileSync Team,

I am an avid user of FreeFileSync on both Windows and macOS. While the software is incredibly useful, I have encountered a couple of issues when syncing files between the two operating systems. I hope these can be addressed to improve the user experience.

File Deletion Sync Issue:
When I delete files on my macOS system and then sync with my Windows system, the deleted files are synced back onto the drive instead of being deleted on the Windows system.

Redundant File Syncing:
All files are up-to-date and synced with my Windows system. However, when I connect my drive to my macOS system, FreeFileSync identifies many files as needing to be synced again, even though they are already in their latest state. The software incorrectly indicates that one side is newer, causing redundant syncing processes.

Apart from these issues, I find the software to be very stable, and I am happy to have donated twice already. I can only advise everyone to use this software.

I believe improving the compatibility and synchronization logic between macOS and Windows would significantly enhance FreeFileSync's functionality. Thank you for your attention to these matters.

Best regards