Email Notification settings

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Joined: 5 Aug 2024



I've been using the 'Send Email Notification' option with success, but I was wondering if it would be possible to send the mail on success only if a file was synced.
So if the notification mails contains 'Elements processed: 0 (0 bytes)' it does not need to be sent, only if there were elements processed does a notification need to be delivered.

Kind regards,
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> I was wondering if it would be possible to send the mail on success only if a file was synced

Not directly from within FreeFileSync (FFS),
but generally there is more than one way to skin a cat ...

Two possibilities pop to mind:
• Instead of having FFS send the mail, you can launch a self-created script by using Run a Command On Completion (see Synchronization Settings (F8)). Said script could then analyze the FFS log-file for 'Elements processed: 0 (0 bytes)', and if that phrase is absent, have the script send you an E-mail with the log-file as attachment or in the message body.
• Most providers, or otherwise your mail-program, allow you to apply rules to incoming E-mail.
You can use those rules to analyze your incoming mail (sometimes even: only from specified senders) for the presence of 'Elements processed: 0 (0 bytes)', and if found automatically delete that mail.
In this latter case the mail will still be sent, but will be deleted before/when reaching your Inbox.
Posts: 2
Joined: 5 Aug 2024


Hi Plerry,

I'm already using some email rules to this effect; I was hoping that I could simplify the process from Freefilesync, but it works as is so that's fine.
Thanks for the quick reply.